Pay by
Make a Payment
The Kentucky AGC/SIF has made it easier than ever to pay your workers’ compensation premiums online. No more manual calculations of monthly payroll reports!
There are three (3) options available to pay your premiums online. You can complete each of these from our online portal. Just log into the site if you aren’t already and then click the pay premium button in the top right corner to access the portal.
*Please note that there is no charge for electronic check transactions or mail-in transactions. There is a 4% handling fee for credit card transactions.

To pay your monthly premiums online:
- Login to your account in the top right corner.
- Click on MAKE PAYMENT under the EMPLOYER tab
- Click on PAY YOUR MONTHLY PREMIUM NOW to the right of the page
- If you do not have any payroll to report for the month, you can file a Zero Report online to maintain your coverage.
You can also pay your audit online by electronic check (ACH) or credit card.
It is that easy to pay online and your information is safe and secure.
To obtain a user ID and password:
- Go to
- Click on NEED TO SIGN UP in the top right hand corner of the screen
- Select member as your access level.
- Enter your policy number without any leading zeros or dashes. (Example, 012345-20 – you would enter 12345.)
- Enter the FEIN associated with your company. If you are a Sole Proprietor, you can use your SSN.
If you have any questions or need assistance with paying your bill, please contact – [email protected]